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  1. Try not to bring anything unnecessary to practice. We are short for space in the room and want to have as much mat space available as possible.

2. If you have to bring in any valuables: wallet, phone etc. Give it to a           coach and have them lock it away until practice is complete. If an             emergency happens parent can reach you by calling a coach’s cell            phone.

3. Water bottles may be brought in with only water. No Gatorade or juice     please. Water may only be drank when coach gives permission. 

4. If an athlete has to leave room for any reason, let a coach know.

5. No parents allowed in the room. They can wait outside of room,       parking lot or common area to pick you up. 

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact a member of the City Kids staff. Contact info is available on website at


Thank you,


City Kids Wrestling Staff

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